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Pit Vehicle Policy Introduced for Virginia Motorsports Park

Due to repeated warnings and elevated abuse and injuries, Virginia Motorsports Park is announcing a new pit vehicle policy going into effect on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, until further notice.

Spectators will no longer be allowed to bring any type of pit vehicle into the gates. If any pit vehicle is towed to the facility by a spectator, it will be left outside of the racer gates in the parking lot and you will not be permitted to have the option to park in the pits on events where this is accepted. Vehicles that are driven to the track are not permitted to bring in any type of pit vehicle as well.

All racers will be permitted to bring support vehicles for their teams, but these will be registered through the racetrack by filling out a yearly registration and agreement form. The fee for this is only $5 and lasts the entire 2023 season. Each sticker for your pit vehicle will have a specialized serial number and this must be on your pit vehicle at all times. If you have multiple pit vehicles, you will need multiple stickers. This goes for all racers at all events and test sessions. By signing the agreement form and registering your pit vehicle, you acknowledge and agree to all of the terms on the form, including that all operators of said vehicle is at least 16 years of age and has a valid state required driver’s license. If any unsafe or improper operation of your pit vehicle is reported or found by any official, this may result in penalties against the owner and/or operators including but not limited to immediate impoundment, loss of racing privileges for the day without refund for the first offense along with potential loss of championship points and suspension for multiple offenses.

Dirtbikes (full size or mini), side-by-sides / UTVs and sport ATVs (full size or mini) are not allowed at any time. The only exception to this rule is Dirtplex events for competitors only for side-by-sides/UTVs used as support vehicles. Non-motorized vehicles such as hoverboards, one-wheels, tricycles, skates, skateboards, roller blades, razors, etc., may not be ridden on the premises at anytime by anyone!

You must be 16 years old and have a valid driver’s license to operate anything on wheels – motorized or not. No exceptions.

Mobility scooters are permitted, accepted free of charge and may enter from spectator lots without any payment.

We are saddened to have to make this announcement and change but after repeated abuse, injury and lack of respect for the past rules in place, this change has to be made for the safety and well-being of all guests and the expensive equipment that is on the grounds in the form of racing operations, vendor setups and more. This policy will go into effect immediately, March 1, 2023, and will be in effect for all Virginia Motorsports Park events.
