NHRA Chassis Certifications
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On Saturday, February 8, Virginia Motorsports Park will host two NHRA chassis inspectors for the day to set racers up for the 2025 season with a fresh chassis certification sticker. If you own a race car, it is smart to have your chassis certified, not only for your safety and whoever is in the other lane beside you, but for resale value if you are thinking of selling your car in the future.
You do have to sign up for this and select a time slot on the schedule, you will need to arrive around 30 minutes earlier than at your selected time so you can unload and be ready to pull into the shop to get your certification done on time.
We recommend emailing your request to the below email address as our office hours are limited for phone calls during the winter months. If you would like to call and we miss you, please leave a message and we will get back with you as soon as possible.
Contact Information:
E-Mail: info@racevmp.com
Phone: 804-862-3174