Test & Tune
March 28, 2025
We are excited to have Test & Tune back on schedule!
We will be calling cars to the lanes designed by type of tire with the following run order: Slick Tires, Jr. Dragsters, Pro Radial Prep, Motorcycles and Street Cars/Tires. By running in sessions, you will not have to stand in the staging lanes for extending periods of time (barring on-track issues). Each group will run as many times as possible with everyone getting one run per session, no hot lapping to get multiple runs in one session. Once the staging lanes open for your group, you will have a certain amount of time to get into the staging lanes until the lanes close and we begin calling another group.
We will also be using our WhatsApp messaging system this season along with our PA system – if you want to sign up for text alerts, click HERE and follow the directions to sign-up for all of the channels you’d like to.
event pricing
Test & Tune: $50.00
– Pro Radial Prep: Additional $40.00
– No Time Ticket: Additional $10.00
Crew/Spectator: $20.00
Children 10 & Under: Free
Parking: Free
event schedule
Gates Open at 5pm
Tech Inspections at 5pm
Hot Rod Grill Opens: 5pm
VP Fuel Station Opens: 5pm
Track Opens: 6pm
VP Fuel Station Closes: 8pm
Tech Card Sales Close: 9pm
Tech Inspections: 9:30pm
Track Closes: 11pm
Secure Track: 12am
– No Engines Fired after 11pm Nightly