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New to drag racing? New to VMP?

Below is basic information for the daily street car to the fastest professionals in the country.

Arrive at Virginia Motorsports Park from U.S. Route 1. Proceed to our ticket gates at pit entry. You will buy a race ticket at the ticket booth day of the event. These fees vary according to event. Please check event page for pricing of the event you are interested in. After purchasing a race ticket, you need to fill out the tech card fully and legibly. Then you will take your vehicle, tech card and ticket to the Technical Inspection Station which is located at the back of the track next to the Sunoco Fuel Island.

General items needed to race will be a valid driver’s license, seat belt, long pants, shoes/socks and shirt. Shirt cannot be a tank top and shoes cannot be open toed. Flip flops, sandals and bare feet are not permitted. If your car runs faster than 13.99, you will need a helmet. While we encourage all drivers to wear a Helmet, SFI 3.2A Jacket and Gloves; the following Protective Clothing Guidelines, per the current year NHRA Rulebook, are the minimum for the Elapsed Times below:

0 to 9.99 – 1/4 mile (0 to 6.49 1/8 mile)

On all entries running 9.00 or quicker 1/4 mile or 6.00 or quicker 1/8 mile, a minimum of a SFI 3.2A-5 Jacket and Pants and a 3.3 Neck Collar are mandatory. 3.3-1 Gloves are mandatory on entries running 8.49 or quicker 1/4 mile or 5.49 1/8 mile. Additionally, 3.3 Arm Restraints and 3.3-1 Gloves are mandatory on all open bodied entries. A SFI 3.25A-5 Jacket is mandatory on all other configurations.

10.00 to 11.49 1/4 mile (6.50 to 7.49 1/8 mile)

A minimum of a SFI 3.2A-5 Jacket on all open bodied entries. A minimum of a SFI 3.2A-1 Jacket on all closed body entries. Arm Restraints are required on all open bodied cars. A minimum of a SFI 3.3-1 Gloves on all open bodied entries.

Minimum Clothing and Tech Requirements for Motorcycles or drag ATV:

SFI 40.1-1 or 40.1-2 Suit or Leather Jacket or accepted Kevlar, long pants, leather gloves, boots/closed toe shoes (extending above the ankle mandatory), Helmet (no older than 2010 / Full Face) are mandatory for all riders. All riders who run 10.99 1/4 mile or quicker or run 120 MPH or faster must wear a 40.1-2 Suit or Full Leathers. Two piece suits may be joined at the waist by a zipper. Your vehicle must have working front and rear brakes and a Kill Lanyard or Factory Kill Switch (must be attached to rider with lanyard). These are the basic rules. Other rules may apply based on the set up of your bike. Final Decision of Pass – No Pass is the Tech Inspector.

If you are 16, you will need your parent to sign a waiver for you to race. This must be done in person with valid ID in front of a track official. You would also need to have a valid driver’s license.

If your car runs 14.00 or slower, you may have a passenger as long as they have the correct credentials, clothing, and are 18 years of age or older. Your vehicle must have all the safety equipment required.

Participating drivers and crew members are not permitted to consume alcoholic beverages while the Participant is still racing. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in RESTRICTED AREAS!

No firearms or glass containers are ever permitted. Violation of this provision WILL RESULT IN REMOVAL FROM THE PARK AND POSSIBLE ARREST.

Use of Pit Vehicles is a privilege NOT a right. Your privilege may be revoked at the tracks’ discretion. All racers must have Car Number and Class visible on their pit vehicles. All racers will be accountable for their pit vehicle whether you are operating it or not. To operate any wheeled vehicles are defined as, but not limited to, golf carts, pit bikes, scooters (powered and not powered) and bicycles, must be 16 with license to operate a vehicle. These vehicles are not allowed in front of the concession stand (Hot Rod Grill) or the grandstand area.

The speed limit in the pit area is 15mph. This area includes the Return Roads, asphalt and gravel pit areas and Staging Lanes.

VMP scale located at the back of the pit area. There is no cost to weigh your car.

VMP will accept credit cards (MasterCard, Visa and Discover) at the Main Gate – Booth 2 for all events. Also, Hot Rod Grill accepts credit cards – Window 1.

VMP sells Sunoco racing fuel, Methanol (No Lube), Purple (Standard 110), Blue (Supreme 112), Red (Maximal 116). For your convenience the track has several waste oil recycling stations, water and air.

Participating drivers and crew members may enter portions of the Restricted Areas only while wearing the proper wristband. Wristbands are given after the proper waiver is signed at the Technical Inspection Station. Restricted Areas include the Staging Lanes, Starting Line, Race Track, Return Roads, Chase Road, Short Road and other areas marked as Restricted. All burn outs must be within the designated areas only and using water only. Crew members are NOT permitted to hold or touch the vehicle during the burn out. Only those vehicles allowed to do so by the current year NHRA Rulebook are permitted to cross the Starting Line during their burn out.

All standard disqualification rulings and guidelines of event operations, as covered in the current year NHRA Rulebook, will be utilized while conducting all VMP drag racing events. Additional rules involving possible disqualification may be imposed at the absolute discretion of the Track Officials. Penalty for cheating is at the absolute discretion of the Race Track. Penalty depends on severity of infraction. Decision will be made by Track Manager and/or Race Director.

Racers that fail to tech or break, prior to First Round, must take ticket and run dot to Race Control for sign off on their ticket. A refund based on the current Refund Policy posted in Race Control will be given that day only.

Be sure to keep your ticket or stub until the event is over. All efforts will be made to continue racing in the event of weather. If unable to continue racing, decisions as to the value of the ticket will be made day of the event and will be contingent on the status of the race. You will need to have ticket to receive refund. NO exceptions. Should an activity cause the race to be cancelled prior to completion of First Round, the full price will be refunded at the ticket gate that day only. If first round of competition has been completed, there will be no refunds.

If the event is cancelled after the first round of competition, the remaining Round Money, Runner-Up and Winner purses will be divided among the drivers left in competition. Check Procedure: Checks will be ready one (1) hour after the cancel call or will be mailed out on Tuesday. Drivers are responsible to provide the correct information on their Tech Card (Check payee, address and Social Security Number or Federal ID Number). Without this information, checks will not be mailed. Track reserves the right to hold over the event to the next available race date. All payout checks must be cashed within 90 days and will not be reissued.

VMP Radio Station is 94.1 FM. You will be able to hear everything that is going on at the track.

If you need a package DELIVERED to the race track:
Please ship to:
Virginia Motorsports Park
8018 Boydton Plank Road
North Dinwiddie, VA 23803
Please add your name on the shipping label to help facilitate who the package is for. You will need an ID to sign for the package.


 The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATIONS OF OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator or official.

The race director shall be empowered to permit reasonable and appropriate deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in his/her opinion does not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM SUCH ALTERATION OF SPECIFICATIONS. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials. Their decision is final.
